Mobile Operators Solutions

Mobile Operators can employ multiple types of SMS Interactive Campaigns, from a small to massive consumer engagement in terms of duration, target audience, prize value, depending on the specific strategic needs and specific requirements of each Operator.

The Mega Promo is the only service in the Mobile Industry capable of yielding such an impressive level of beneficial outcomes, in terms of three fundamental aspects: quantity, quality and diversification.

The Mechanism

Consumers are triggered to participate in the Mega Promo by a massive informative Bulk message sent to the Operator subscriber base and/or by a TV/Radio/Banner ad, so as to win supreme Prizes.

Each SMS they send to a Premium designated short code (blank SMS or containing a keyword) offers them a certain amount of points. The goal is to receive as many points as possible so as to increase their chances for the draws or for any other alternative winning format.

The Mega Promo Potential

C/dialogues is the only company in the Mobile Marketing Industry that can fully capitalize Mega Promo’s potentials in such a scientific and result-oriented manner.

At a generic aspect, Mega Promos are beneficial to Mobile Operators as they:

  • immediately yield very high revenues by a huge premium MO SMS traffic
  • are cost efficient, minimizing financial risks
  • enhance brand awareness through its mass exposure
  • increase ARPU by boosting recurring text usage
  • enlarge customer base by engaging consumers to a new rewarding opportunity

C/dialogues Mega Promos bring additional set of benefits to Mobile Operators:

  • ensure long-term revenues by applying selected recurring activities
  • maximize recruitment and response rates by exploiting our sophisticated techniques
  • fully benefit from our media and marketing experience to support the media campaign
  • build advanced and highly-targeted demographics by employing our highly sophisticated platform

So just imagine the results that a C/dialogues Mega Promotion can offer to global Mobile Operators.

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